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French Class 10 CBSE Board (2024-25)

15 hours 58 minutes

About Course

French TREE made easy class 10 French for all CBSE students. now you can not only upgrade your 10th board CGPA but also you will not have any doubt in French Subject. our French course is made for all French learners of Class 1oth CBSE effective , easy and more convenient as your private tutor. you can have all grammar topics according to the current French syllabus class 10 cbse 2022 23  so that you will learn more effectively with us and we are pretty much sure you will love this French course made especially for 10 French 2022-23.

Course Content

How to Read and Speak French

  • How to pronounce alphabet with sample example
  • Rules to pronounce French
  • Basic Pronunciation after rules
  • Important sound “ph'”, “C” ,”G” , “CH”, “OI”, “GN”, “A”, “EAU”, “AI EI”.
  • French Reading Practice – 1
  • French Reading Practice – 2
  • French Reading Practice – 3
  • French Reading Practice – 4 ( live Class)

Sample Paper

Sample Paper 10th 2024

Préposition de lieu ( pays et ville )

Article Contraté
for example je parle ..................professeur ( au , à la , à l', aux )

Regular verbs end with “er”, “ger” , “cer” (‘ter’, ‘ler’, préférer ), “ IR “ , “ RE”
Introduction of subject and all regular verbs

Réflexive/ Pronominal Verbes + Décrivez votre journée

Aller , venir , être , faire , avoir , écrire , décrire , lire , dire, prendre, apprendre , comprendre , vouloir , pouvoir , devoir

Position of Adjective / Profession / Nationalité

Adjectif Possessif
how to use my , your , his , her in french

Article Partitif

Trouvez les questions ( to make a question )
si, oui , non combien de quand etc

devant sans avec ....

Passé Récent

Future simple

Ais , ait, ions , iez , aient

Passé Composé

Future Proche

Temps convenable
How to make question from answer

Prénom Personnel
Replacing object in French

Prénom relatif simple et composé

Adjective Démonstratif
How to say this , that in french in front of masculine , feminine and plural

Adjectif démonstratif et Prénom démonstratif

Adjective et prénom possessive

Plus-que parfait

Négation ( ne ….rien , ne ……personne ……)
complete uses of Négation a part from ne.......pas how to use ne....jamais


Direct & indirect (reported speech)

Présent conditionnel

Future Antérieur

Passé du Conditionnel ( Conditonal Past )

letter writing



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