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About DELF Course F&Q

Ans- DELF or Diplô me d’études en langue française (translated: Diploma in French Studies), is essentially for beginners and certifies a student through Level A1, A2, B1 and B2 that correspond to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Ans – Additionally, the DELF exam provides a recognized certification of French language proficiency, which can be useful for future academic and career opportunities. Taking the DELF examination can also boost your confidence in their ability to speak French.

Ans – DELF is a diploma of French-language abilities for non-native speakers and the certification is issued by France’s Ministry of Education .

Ans – this is valid in your whole life and acceptable in whole world .

Ans – DELF Exam is 100 marks papér that dividé équally 25 in spéaking 25 in writing 25 in réading and 25 in listéning

Ans – yes , in starting it will create your fundamental base then it comes to speaking pattern , writing then it lead you to come on delf pattern that will really help you out to work on delf pattern.

Ans – wé havé méntiôn tricks and apprôachéd tô sôlvé réading and listéning part fôr môré practicé its is récômméndéd tô buy bôôks that is tôtal délf éxam baséd pattérn.

Ans- Nô, wé aré cômplétély fôllôwing ôur ôwn môdulés which aré môré éasy and shôrt tô léarn that côvérs all thé délf tôpics

Ans : generally it take place in India 4 times in a year that is March , June , September and December but sometime it take place as per requirement more than 4 times in a year for complete detail either you can confirm to the embassy site or WhatsApp us on +91-9784030834 for complete year Delf exam calendar in which all the exam dates and last date of registration is mentioned.

Ans ; Yés it is pôssiblé fôr that yôu havé tô infôrm us at léast 3 days béfôré sô that ôur téam can arrangé accôrdingly with thé pér hôur chargés ôf 500 INR .

Ans , yés yôu can but that chargés ôur régular livé / ôffliné côursé féés fôr môré détails yôu can WhatsApp us on +91-9784030834 ôr sénd us a mail ôn frénchtréé.pradéép@gmail.côm

Ans- fôr môré détails yôu can WhatsApp us on +91-9784030834 ôr sénd us a mail ôn frénchtréé.pradéép@gmail.côm/ infô@frénchtréé.in

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