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TEF CANADA Crash Course

Course Content

About France and its culture

  • French festival, vine, Food, perfumes, geographies description, Fashion industries, monuments, cheese, flag with exercises

French Alphabet

French Sounds & Pronunciation

Greetings in French (formal and informal way)

Article ( a, an ) & ( the , these)

Introduction of French Sujets { je, tu , il


Days and Months of the Year with ordinal number

Number ( 0-100)

Question Making

Time Chapter

Adjective/ Profession / Nationalité

Subject + nationality + profession live class

Introduction of regular verb

Body parts

Réflexive/ Pronominal Verbes + Décrivez votre journée


Grammar of my, your, his , her

Adjective interrogatifs ( which / what)

Irregular verbs

French Expression with Verbs

Adjective démonstrative ( this / that)

Grammar of Eating & Drinking

Préposition ( on , in front of , before , after

Impératif( Request/Order/ Suggestion)

Grammar of “All” ( tout….

Quantity ( a lot / a little bit ….

Adjective to adverb

French culture – Festivals

Preposition of Place ( Country/ City / Frequent Places)

Verb – savoir ou connaitre

Future Proche – near to future tense

Passé récent- recent past tense

General French, Revision and Test

Vocabulary ( vocab)


Past Tense ( Passé Composé)

Imparfait ( past continuous)

Plus-que parfait

Grammaire – Future Tense (Future simple )

Grammaire- Présent conditionnel

Passé du Conditionel

compératif et superlatif

Grammaire – Prénom personnel

Grammaire – Subjentif

Prénom relatif simple et composé

Future antérieur

Adjectif démonstratif et Prénom démonstratif

Adjective et prénom possessive



French Tree

111 Students
14 Courses

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